Tag: graphic design

Australian Data Recovery

The Result

Australian Data Recovery chooses to stay with Joomla, but with updated and newly designed layout.

United Web’s expertise in Joomla CMS delivered a slick and newly designed website for Australian Data Recovery. The old site was very old fashioned site with flash as the banners. United Web had come up with a new UI design which minimise the use of unnecessary banners and replace flash banner with CSS based banners. The new site is also created with responsiveness in mind. In short, the website is viewable with minimal lost of information on different computers and smart devices.

Pacific Earth Moving

The Result

Coming to United Web Sydney, Pacific Earth Moving required a brand new logo and a website.

United Web provided Pacific Earth Moving a brand new logo which reflects very close to what they are doing. Looking at the logo alone, it gives a distinct understanding of what their business is all about. Previously with no website, they compete with their competitors via traditional way of handing out business cards, and listing their business on local business directory With the new website, Pacific Earth Moving is now ahead of their competitors in excavation business in Fiji. Visitors can now put the face of the business and learn more about their business in Fiji through their website